Tuesday, August 12, 2008

my second blog post ever

not long after the first, i'm back. i've now missed my train due to my first blog post. hopefully i don't miss that wall street journal opportunity on account of blogging. just kidding, that will never happen- i am an animal about my work. but apparently, i'm an animal about other things, as well.

When I asked PikPR (http://www.blogger.com/profile/08628445144975919362) via every social channel possible (twitter, DM, IM) why the first blog post scared her, the answer really made me laugh out loud..(Mostly because we've never actually met and sort of because it's kind of true). Her response was "the thought of you running loose in blog form is scary. who knows what will be covered."

Whatever, maybe she's right. Time will tell. Okay, now it's really time for me to be off to potentially invigorating/potentially awkward conversation with old friends.

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