Tuesday, August 12, 2008

my first blog post ever

this whole "first blog" thing feels somewhat like losing my virginity, albeit, much less stressful (sorry, jason X, wherever you are and WHOEVER you are, ha). honestly, i just felt like it was time to break into blog world. i read a lot of blogs- in fact, i devour them like little brett easton ellis novels, scouring the internet for good fits for my clients, good places to live and laugh around nyc, and even hot blogging dudes to force into my aquaintance(exibit a: http://twitpic.com/7gwf). Twitter only fueled this fire- i know "short and sweet" is the whole point of microblogging but who said 140 characters is enough? So here i am.

in any event, welcome to my blog. I can't promise to keep up with it. I'd say I'll try my best, but I say that about so many things (i stopped biting my nails for a whole month this year). I can promise, though, poignant and witty observation of all things in franiland. call me self-centered, i don't care.

tonight, i'm off to meet up with friends i've not seen since mid-highschool. if you've been in this situation, you know that this can end up really good or terribly tedious and draining. I'm hoping for the former and will let you know how it goes.

hrrm, i think i need an editor.


Social Anniemal said...

this scares me.

frani lieberman said...

ha! why does it scare you!

Mel said...

Wow, I thought no one was as new of a blogger as me (or almost, anyway -- I started mine on August 17). Your site looks good! And you're funny, so that helps. :) Keep up the good bloggy work.