Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Writing is to Bleeding as Happiness is to Manchego
that's all. move along. nothing to see here. oh wait, i lied. just finished The Girls' Guide to Hunting and Fishing by Melissa Bank. Perhaps one of my favorites ever? Or maybe, just a relevant time to read about a wise woman's struggles at love and work. The narration is both quiet and seductive- almost uncomfortable at times but always well-written. One of my favorite lines: "You see yourself through his eyes, as THE GENERIC WOMAN, the skirted symbol on the ladies' room door." In any event, if you're a twenty or thirty-something lady with career aspirations and a penchant for finding the one you actually didn't believe you wanted to find, then this one's for you. I laughed out loud plenty of times.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
At a Loss for Words
For somebody who thrives on finding the best way to articulate ideas, I sometimes can’t even come up with one good thing to say. It’s funny, because success in PR is built on words- written, spoken, implied, words not said. And yet, there are times when I just can’t think of one thing to say. I always know when it’s happening- I almost whimper. There’s a semi-stutter, an audible frustration, and a mini-growl (completely un-lady like). It ultimately ends with “ I don’t know how to articulate this.” It’s not debilitating, show stopping, heart throbbing. It’s muted, but it definitely happens. Writers, full-time speakers, creative brethren, etc. please do tell me how you deal with this. I suppose it’s called a “block.” And so I ask- how do you get those juices flowing again?
Sunday, December 21, 2008
even suburbs have moments of greatness
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
A Tizzy of A Wednesday for the Hacks and the Flacks
1) TechCrunch Calls a Death to the Embargo and says that "PR firms are out of control. Today we are taking a radical step towards fighting the chaos. From this point on we will break every embargo we agree to." Hrrm. Well, okay. I'm not sure why this comes as such a shock, as Arrington and his team are often NOT happy with PR folks and our smarmy practices. That being said, I am all for open and direct communication between PR folks and journalists. TechCrunch, today was very, very clear about how they will proceed and how they'd like to be pitched regarding embargoes (go ahead and send embargoed information, we will break it). The best comment, by far, was made by a PR person who politely asked Arrington how she should be pitching to TC to build a relationship with the writers- to which Arrington replied- Go Away. The link: http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/12/17/death-to-the-embargo/
2) John Byrne, editor in chief of BusinessWeek.com, posted all of the BusinessWeek Twitter addresses on his blog. In order to support his "Ideas from BusinessWeek readers" engagement tactic, he said that "a good many of us at BusinessWeek have been having great success and fun with Twitter, the hot micro-blogging site that allows users to blog in 140 characters or less." All I've got to say about this one is great, he gets it. Steve Baker gets it too. Heather Green, she gets it. Twitter is a public forum. If a journalist wishes not to engage, then a journalist doesn't have to engage. It's.that.simple.
3) In more hilarious news, a flack challenged a journo to a boxing match. According to Gizmodo, this particular event all started with a blogger asked politely to be removed from an email distribution list because they don't cover the products the firm was pitching. Fair enough. Well no, not fair enough according to the firm's president. Go check out the president's response: http://gizmodo.com/5112457/how-not-to-treat-people-when-pitching-them-stories#c9535804.
So that's it. Those are the big three from today. I've chosen an exciting career, i tell you. Although the endless blogger vs. pr dramz gets tiring, it certainly reinvigorates open discussion about the present and future of the industry i love so much. For now, i'll just keep doing my job the best I know how. And you know what? i'm willing to learn how to do it better.